I recently had the pleasure of designing a new logo for contemporary artist Bonnie Helen Hawkins. Bonnie's work is characterized by its bold, expressive style and intricate detail. The final design features a crow that represents Bonnie as an artist who can take a subject and make it better, the crow can be animated and also used
as part of Bonnies upcoming exhibitions.
Bonnie Hawkins
Branding - Artist
Selected Works
Bristol WaterAnnual Report
Hartmanns BooksBranding
Bonnie Hawkins - ArtistBranding
Soil AssociationOrganic Market Report
Owens CoffeeDesign - Leaflets, Stationary, Signage
Wesco - AdvertismentDesign - Poster Advertisment
Email: lucy@lobedesign.co.uk
© Lobe design 2019 Graphic designer